Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Great Deal from Dakota Electric

 I noticed that Dakota Electric would provide rebates for purchasing CFL or LED lighting.  When Menards had a sale, I bought a bunch to change out the lights in a few areas were we still have incandescent bulbs.

I bought 25 bulbs for $105 (I think, I don't have the receipt anymore) and Dakota Electric credited me $110 (maybe it was $110).  The rebate form said they would refund up to %50 of the bulb cost, but they refunded the entire amount!

So know I have two months without an electric bill!

As you can see out electric usage is down for this month, not sure it can completely be attributed to the lights, but they certainly don't hurt.

I would be interested in hearing how much electric other people are using as well, it would be nice if on the bill they would tell you what percentile you are in as far as usage.

Garden Progress

 With the kids help we installed the gate, it turned out pretty well actually.  I know that it won't stop a determined deer, but given that the yard is surrounded by vegitation I am hoping the efforrt isn't worth it for them...

Some the seed we planted at starting to poke up as well, so that is exciting!  I had to water last night, which was neat as well.  Nick wanted to buy a turtle spinning sprinkler for Jen last year and we finally did when it went on clearance at the end of the year.