The house is ours as of yesterday. There are still a few things that contractors will be stopping back to finish.
We started moving some stuff last night, and then packed some boxes. We are going to be taking car loads over, unpacking and taking the boxes back to repack. Kind of an involved move process, but it will allow us to sort and put things away as we go.
The cable was installed yesterday, so we have a Comcast phone number now... It was free for 6 months and reduced the install cost, so it would have been foolish to turn it down. Of course now I have to remember to cancel it.
We also bought a "Magic Jack" it is so ridiculously cheap and actually works. We are going to switch our cell phones to pay as you go and then use them like a pager.
I moved our 37" TV over last night to try out the cable. The TV doesn't have a tuner though, so I brought over my computer to use the tuner in that. Unfortunately, I ran an hdmi cable in the wall and thought I had a hdmi to dvi adapter (the TV doesn't have hdmi only dvi). But it was the opposite "gender". Radio shack wanted $38, and Menards wanted $30 for the correct adapter. I found one on Amazon for $1 plus $3 shipping...
So I thought wouldn't it be nice to have a small local business that stocked cables and adapters for a resonable price...
FYI, I am just going to be patient and order the adapter. I brought a monitor over to hook my computer up to.
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